Costa Rica: La Pezeta FAQs

4 min. readlast update: 05.28.2024

Project Information

Q: Do volunteers need to be accompanied by a home stay family member when going out as an 18-year-old? 

A: Yes, but this could be someone in the volunteer's community as well. Volunteers are required to use buddy system when walking around the community.  

Q: How is laundry done? 

A: The volunteer's host family will show them how to do laundry and give the volunteer detergent and any other required items.

Q: How much cash does AMIGOS recommend bringing? Should it be dollars or Colon? 

A: Dollars are recommended as AMIGOS Staff can help exchange once here. Cash is required for souvenirs and snacks, but not needed for other things. All meals are provided including snacks as well. We recommend bringing about $100-$200. 

Q: Will volunteers be able to meet their home stay families before going? 

A: Volunteers will not have the opportunity to meet their host families ahead of time. They will learn more about their host family once you arrive in Costa Rica.  

Q: Is it customary to send the host family a gift and if so, what are suggestions? 

A: It’s up to each volunteer, but it is a nice gesture. We recommend bringing something that shares information about where the volunteer is from. Examples include: souvenirs, magnets, and little candies. It is also a really good ice breaker!  

Q: Are volunteers able to bring their bible (or other religious materials) for reading?  

A: Yes!  

Q: When at the hostel are volunteers allowed to choose their roommate? 

A: No, AMIGOS staff will do all rooming placements to ensure integration! 

Q: For COVID tests, can volunteers bring any brand or just binax? 

A: Volunteers can bring any brand!  

Q: Do volunteers need a bathing suit?  

A: It is recommended; however, you most likely will not use it as the project takes place in the highlands. 

Q: How many volunteers are there per session? 

A: There are between 16-21 volunteers and 4 project staff members.  

Q: Will volunteers be paired with other volunteers close to their age? 

A: Yes, but if a volunteer is 18 years or older, they will either be paired with someone else over 18 or with two other volunteers. 

Q: What fruits are commonly served in this area? 

A: So many delicious fruits in Costa Rica!  Lots of mango, papaya, and bananas. 

Q: What is the shower situation like? 

A: Every home has one or two showers. We highly encourage volunteers to shower daily as it is a cultural expectation. Some places have hot water, while others will not.  

Q: How often are nuts used in Costa Rican cuisine? 

A: Not often! 


Travel Information

Q: Will AMIGOS send a list of who they are traveling with so they can meet up and have a travel buddy?  

A: In general, AMIGOS does not provide this information, however, we do work to book all volunteers traveling from the same home city on the same flight.  If you are curious, you can email and we can provide you with this information. 

Q: Do volunteers need to bring their birth certificate and parent's driver license? 

A: No, you don’t need to bring those items.  Please make sure you bring your original notarized Parent Permission to Travel & Power of Attorney forms.

Q: Will AMIGOS arrange travel to the gateway airport?  

A: AMIGOS arranges all travel!  

Q: Are volunteers able to take their phones so that they can have them during travel? 

A: Yes, volunteers should bring their phones for travel days (first and last day of project) and then they will be collected once the volunteers have arrived at their first lodging site. 

Q:  Are volunteers going to take a direct flight? 

A: No, unless the volunteer is from Houston.  Otherwise, volunteers will be booked on a connecting flight in Houston, meet up with whole group in Houston, and fly to Costa Rica from there. 

Q: Is it correct that there will not be an AMIGOS staff member at the home airport, and volunteers will meet an AMIGOS staff member at the Gateway airport in Houston?  

A: Correct, there will not be a staff member at the volunteer's home airport, but there will be staff waiting for them once they land in Houston. This staff team will be easily identifiable with AMIGOS gear.









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